Laurence Pilon


From November 28 2020 au January 16, 2021

Galerie Nicolas Robert is proud to present a few paintings from the Holo(geo)biont series. With this current work, Laurence Pilon searches through painting for new intermediary bodies/spaces. Her engagement with the medium involves reflections that intertwine art history and stratification, as well as the pictorial trace and the fossil. Holo(geo)biont is a series of small paintings on paper in which a sympoietic vision of the living and mineral world emerges.

Laurence Pilon is a Quebec-born painter based in Tio’tia:ke-Mooniyang-Montreal. With gratitude, she currently lives and works in Guelph, Ontario, on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron, Anishinabe, Haudenosaunee and Métis peoples. She is a MFA candidate at the University of Guelph (2020) and holds a BFA from Concordia University (2015). Her work has been presented in individual and collective exhibition throughout Québec and Ontario, and was featured in Grâce au dessin, a traveling exhibition presented in Burbank (California) and Montréal.