Carl Trahan
Das Gleitende -2 

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September 8 to October 13, 2018

Galerie Nicolas Robert is pleased to present Das Gleitende – 2, Carl Trahan’s first solo exhibition at the gallery. This second instalment in a series of three exhibitions developed by Carl Trahan, in which he examines the destabilizing effects of Modernity, began last year at the Musée d’art contemporain des Laurentides (MAC LAU) with an exhibition based on J. W. Von Goethe's Faust.

In this new body of work presented at the gallery, Carl Trahan addresses the spiritual crisis that started developing in the 19th century in the West following diverse disruptions such as the Enlightenments movement, the advent of Protestantism, and the French, industrial and bourgeois revolutions. With the use of engraved, drawn or neon texts, as well as drawing, print and sculpture, the artist hopes to convey the erosion of the sacred as well as the sense of emptiness that starts to take hold of the modern world, leading to anxiety over the specters of decadence and chaos. But humans, sensing a fundamental need to believe their existence has a supra-individual meaning, always try to order the world that they built.