Christian Knudsen
August 29 to October 3, 2015
The Galerie Nicolas Robert is pleased to present the exhibition Emulsion by Christian Knudsen.
In the early 1970’s Knudsen was one of the first painters on the continent to experiment with liquid photographic emulsions applied to canvas. It was an arduous procedure he followed for about four years, producing paintings and prints that were shown across Canada, in the U.S, Europe and South America.
I was totally impressed by these works when I saw them in his studio for the first time about six years ago. They were fresh and new…for works done before I was born. I wanted others of my generation to see them also…these few emulsion pieces, among an imposing collection of 40 years work. I wanted to show them, however, the size of the gallery at the time did not permit this.
The time is now, in the spacious new gallery, these are works of historical importance in the evolution of Canadian art of the 70’s.