Jérôme Nadeau
La machine qui enseignait des airs aux oiseaux


From February 10 2021 to April 25, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Jérôme Nadeau’s work is part of the exhibition La machine qui enseignait des airs aux oiseaux presented at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.

“This exhibition was assembled along an open thematic framework that stems from an interest in how language is inscribed in bodies, gestures, and materials. More specifically, we sought to explore how objects and techniques used by this “embodied language” can act as interfaces, allowing for the transmission of affects and knowledge between individuals and time periods.

These ideas evolved considerably over the course of our research. Their terms were re-oriented and sharpened by our numerous meetings with artists and a variety of other actors. Our research allowed us to carve out subsets of conversations and convergences from the field of artistic practices we were looking at. These subsets follow their own logic, which we attempt to echo and underscore in the exhibition, publication, and related public programs”

– The curators, Mark Lanctôt and François LeTourneux